Saturday, March 28, 2020

We are all in it together, literally!

The truth is that we are all in it together, and the medical resources are stretched to  braking limit.

Retired MD, DO, ND, DPM, DVM, DDS, PA, NP,  RN,  LVN, MA, and ALL other health professionals coming out of retirement to assist communities in the fight against the current pandemic.

Some localities have already started Volunteer MD programs, but I could not reach any one directly in Southern California to utilise my skills and experience. Hence the# RetMDSquad, to organize for maximum efficacy when and where it might be needed.

Please join our FB group at #RetMDsquad, and thank you for volunteering.

In this turbulent times I would like to offer my assistance to my community. Retired from full time clinicall practice,I am a dully licensed California Physician and Surgeon, Anesthesiologist and Critical Care physician; formal Global Practice Leader for US Telemedicine.

An expert of disaster preparedness and emergency response, former Commander of Malibu MRC under he Governor Office of Emergency Operation Services (EOS). As an international expert on disaster medicine I have deployed with Medical Disaster Assistance Team (MDAT) overseas.

Also, I am the publisher of "Dialing 911" for home, and 'Dialing 911" for driving/away from home emergencies. I have some left and would gladly give them out while the supplies last, as these guides are no longer available through Amazon.

I have sent intro emails to most public health, sheriff, state, county and city official but have not heard back from any one yet.

Semi-retired, I am still an experienced licensed MD able and willing to provide some immediate practical advice, as well as the ever important telemedical triage.

Hopefully, we can form an organized  "critical mass" of experienced medical professionals for the authorities to utilize us as badly needed reserves.

Finally, we encourage authorities to allow unmatched medical grads tofunctoonat least as PA or NP, under delegation of authority agreement with a licensed MD-an amazing untapped resource!?

Please join the #RetMDsquad on FB

Please join our FB group at #RetMDsquad, and thank you for volunteering.

Be well!

Prof. Victor S Dorodny, MD, PhD, aka Dr

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Corona virus mathematics made simple.

Corona virus mathematics made simple.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Of things to come.

Dear all,

I have just "digested" all of the available info on the pandemic from Federal, State, and local authorities.

Also , I am in direct communications with thousands of physicians in US and Europe, China and India.

Bottom line, it is believed that the peak of the infection, and related deaths will most probably fall on the last week of May & first week of June, 2020.

Please do what you can to stay well!


Saturday, March 21, 2020


Please pay attention!

We are all in it together, would you help, please!

Since we are all in it together, I am helping at the Ventura County Urgent Care Center. If ure not a medical professional, please learn how u can chip in--open tbe link below to find out what options are available
right now!
Thank you.
Be Well!

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Please remember Farr's Law of Epidemics

All in all, please chill out!

Good news # 1, as I have predicted in Dec 2019 it soon will be  gone for good.

Good news # 2, most will have a life-time supply of toilet paper, hopefully 2 or 3 ply.

О вирусах, правительствах и туалетной бумаге!

Организованный обман населения властями всех уровней способствует распространению этой новой заразы.

К огромному сожалению аналогичные ситуации происходит во многих странах включая США-всё под эгидой предотвращения паники и сопутствующей ей криминальной деятельности.

На самом деле это только увеличивает количество заражённых людей. Молодёжь считает себя не  уязвимой, переносит инфекцию легко, а потому на ногах, и заражает всех остальных.

 На много лучше когда население понимает риск и самостоятельно с ним бореться. Как на пример в Лос Анжелесе, где один человек чихает а 7 человек накладывают а штаны-а потом у и не возможно найти один рулон туалетной бумаги

Защита  медработников это ключ к выживанию масс населения.

 Будьте здоровы!О