Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Kudos to the California Association of Physician Groups (CAPG)...

... and its President Mr. Donald H. Crane for the recent decision by CAPG’s Public Policy Committee to support AB 374, the Compassionate Choices Act.

The Committee was strongly drawn to the proven, seven year experience of a very similar law in Oregon.

By giving patients facing imminent and inevitable death the option of self-administering life ending medication, the law ushered in a host of important improvements to end-of-life care: increased referrals to hospice care; improved pain management services; a rise in comfort care teams and high attendance at end-of-life seminars for physicians.

Most importantly, a marked increase in the difficult task of physicians and families of engaging in frank conversations about end-of-life options.

The Committee acknowledged that a minority of physicians may oppose this bill, but observed that the participation by physicians was strictly at their option and that this bill
presented a real opportunity to genuinely improve patient care.

CAPG decides, we do NOT gripe, you decide.

Be Well!

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